Useful MTHFR Resources along with general websites which you may find life-changing:
- 23andMe: an easy-to-do salivary genetic test which tests 1,000’s of your genes (including MTHFR)
- StrateGene: once you receive your 23andMe results, run your raw data through here to get MTHFR and other clinically relevant genetic polymorphisms graphically illustrated. Also has great support. Dr Lynch developed StrateGene and continues to update it.
- Seeking Health Educational Institute (SHEI): provides numerous free educational videos and conference recordings to further educate both health professional and the public.
- Infrared Sauna: best way to eliminate toxins – in the comfort of your own home.
- Eat Wild: obtain ‘real’ food
Recommended Lifestyle Products to Obtain:
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- Infrared Sauna: HighTech Health has a very pure line of infrared saunas. Dr Lynch personally uses the ThermalLife 3 person sauna. Save $500 when stating you were referred by Dr Ben Lynch.
- Water Ionizer and Purifier: used by Dr Lynch for over 12 years. Effective water purifier. Save $300 when stating you were referred by Dr Ben Lynch.
- SaltWorks: great place to get Epsom Salt – and other quality salt
- Squatty Potty: eliminating stool on a daily basis is extremely important – ideally two to three times daily. The Squatty Potty helps facilitate this.
- Eat Wild: a resource on where to access and purchase wild meats, eggs, dairy, berries!
- MilkShare: database of where to obtain breast milk or donate your extra supply
- Love and Logic: provides simple and practical techniques to help parents with kids of all ages:
- Raise responsible kids
- Have more fun in their role
- Easily and immediately (first use) change their children’s behavior
- Reading List: suggested books and DVD’s to further your health education from Dr Lynch
- Seeking Health: Dr Lynch’s line of health products all with methylfolate and other active forms of nutrients. No folic acid in any formulation.
Resourceful Websites:
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- Find a Doctor: list of medical associations and physicians who work with MTHFR
- SHEI: additional educational information presented by Dr Ben Lynch
- Genetics Home Reference on MTHFR
- GreenMedInfo: a natural medicines database operated by Sayer Ji
- Molecular Biology of MTHFR
- Folate: all you wanted to know about folate.
- Biopterin: discusses the need and uses of biopterin
- American BioDental: affordable and quality biological dentistry to safely remove mercury amalgams and toxic root canals
- SIBO: Information about SIBO – which may be playing a role in worsening of symptoms of MTHFR
- Methylation Nutrigenomics
- ScoreCard: see who are your local big polluters and which chemicals are emitted in your area.
- National Vaccination Information Center
- Vaccine Ingredients
- NutritionData: outstanding way to identify which foods contain high or low amounts of a particular nutrient
- Linus Pauling Institute: learn about various vitamins and minerals from one of the world’s former leading scientist
- Handouts on Low Sulfur, Oxalate and Elimination Diet: from a colleague of mine, Dr Eric Yarnell
- Dirty Dozen and Clean Dozen: identify which fruits and veggies you must buy organic – and those you don’t.
- Environmental Working Group: amazing resource for improving our environmental health
Presentations and Lectures
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- MTHFR and Methylation Defects: Improving Patient Outcomes by Benjamin Lynch, ND
- Folate Metabolism by Benjamin Lynch, ND
- The New Biology by Bruce Lipton, PhD
Laboratory Testing
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- Recurrent Pregnancy Loss, Infertility and Related Tests by MILab
- MTHFR Test by Spectracell
- Quest Blood Draw Centers: locate a blood draw center by your home
- LabCorp Blood Draw Centers: locate a blood draw center by your home
- 23andMe: saliva DNA genetic testing – a critical one to do in my opinion
I need supplements without folic acid, iodine and iron. What next?
[…] […]
are there any companies out there that assist with supplies like finger stick strips yes they did give me the monitor but the strips are over a 100 and i live on less that 600 a month what to do…….. the co pays for docters offices and prescriptions are killing me what a choice to clot or not
I was going to view the link under “Laboratory Testing” for “Recurrent pregnancy loss, Infertility and related tests by MILab” and I got a Error message related to the site. Is there another updated link? I have already done numerous labs for pregnancy loss including the MTHFR (I have 2 copies of A1298C) with negative homocysteine levels, but wanted to see if there were any further options I haven’t done yet. Please provide us with a new link if possible.
Sites update their navigation periodically. When a link doesn’t work, I try shortening the URL. I did this and saw a link to tests and then to Pregnancy Loss. Click on Tests at the top for more choices. Here is the URL:
The 23andMe website states that as of December 2013 they are no longer allowed by the FDA to offer any health results; they are only allowed to offer ancestry results. Are there any other resources to utilize in the meantime until 23andMe can offer health results again (if they ever do)? Thanks!
About a week ago I received my 23andme results back. I then had that raw data run through Livewello. Now I need someone to look at those results and explain to me what they mean. Do you guys do that? If not, who do you suggest?
Hi Deborah – The Physician Directory is a good place to start looking for a doctor who has completed training with Dr. Lynch – I would start here.
Best of luck,
Dr. Aron
Isn’t ordering 23andme problematic due to possible privacy issues? For instance, if a hacker gets hold of the genetic information, etc.
Sara – This is potentially an issue…just as if someone stole your credit card information. Will you stop using credit cards? That’s up to the individual to weigh the risks and benefits. I’ve heard of some individuals using different names and personal information when ordering genetic testing. It’s something to consider.
My body does not seem to metabolize folic acid or foods rich in folate properly. Pro Health sells L-5 MethylTetrahydrofolate which seems to work for me. I do not take the recommended dosage, but titered up slowly until I started feeling side effects and then lowered to the previous dose that worked.
For years I had Vitamin B12 injections. I believe there are four different types of oral Vitamin B12. My body does not agree with the over-the-counter B12 (cynacobalamin) or the methyl form B12. I now take Perque Activated B12 Guard (hydrocolobalamin), which seems to work as good as injections.
Sometimes, if my toes begin to cramp I take potassium and magnesium. I believe I read somewhere that the combination of folate and B12 can deplete either potassium or magnesium.
I try to avoid over-the-counter vitamin supplements that are combined, as they contain folic acid and Vitamin B6, both of which seem to be bad for me. Too much folic acid seems to lead to a decline in health. Too much Vitamin B6 increases peripheral neuropathic pain and can lead to permanent nerve damage.
Pro Health contributes 10% of their proceeds to research for fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome and myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME)
One of the most important things I tried to remember when looking at the 23andme information is that most of the information provided on SNP’s (single neuclotide polymorphisms) or SNV’s (single neuclotide variations) typically represents a risk factor. It does not necessarily mean that we have a particular disease, only that we might be at risk. can seem quite overwhelming initially. You can type a specific disease or diagnosis and it will show the genes that have been researched for that particular disease. I had to keep a window open to Google definitions for so many words in the beginning. also has a direct link to has information on specific diseases and has links for the pathway associated with the gene. On, you can show all the SNP’s researched to cross-reference it with the the position location in 23andme (some of the 23andme rs id’s with “i”‘s can be found using the position location in There still will be a lot of “i”s that are unique to each individual.
Oh my, you accessed the National Institute of Health database, either using the 23andme or for a particular SNP and it says pathogenic in red!
No worries, go to, search using the rs id number, i.e., rs4846051, and it will show the alleles that are clinically common and risk alleles. So many of my SNP’s showed pathogenic, but the alleles (the G, C, T and A’s in 23andme) were in the common classification.
Go to 23andme and research strand flips. G=C and T=A. Sometimes DNA testing machines report the G/C or the T/A differently.
Try to keep an open mind in your research…. remember one of the keys to improving our health is reducing our risks.
I was recently diagnosed with heterozygous C677T and C1298T and am also trying to get pregnant. My ND is telling me to stop taking my prenatal vitamin that contains folic acid (New Chapter – brand) and only take the methyl folate she has started me on. My OB is saying to keep taking the folic acid (prenatal) but that I can take what the ND prescribed as well (methyl folate). Who do I listen to?!
Hi Sarah – In short, folic acid is a synthetic, not as biochemically active form of folate (there at 150+ forms). Methylfolate (the biochemically active, naturally-occurring form found in leafy greens) is what folic acid gets converted to…albeit with a lot of trouble in individuals with MTHFR mutations. Folic acid also competes with active methylfolate for utilization in your cells. This could have potentially significant health effects for you and your unborn child. Dr. Ben has spoken to this extensively. Here’s the 5 min. version:
Hope this helps you and your provider make an educated decision. Keep us updated on your progress!
Dr. Aron
Can’t get reading list page it blank any other way to find it?
How do you determine if you are estrogen dominant?
I’ve been taking 15mg of l-methylfolate (through a prescription) for the last 3 years. Suddenly my insurance stopped covering it because they say it’s available over the counter, so now I need to buy it somewhere else. Do you have a recommendation of which brand to buy? Thanks so much!
Go to for products developed by Dr Ben Lynch, more reasonablein price then other places! I give quite a few to my children!
Hi………… Do you know of any more resources on low sulfate diets? The link above is not working. Thanks
Will my medication affect the saliva test?
No. The saliva is looking at DNA. Medication does not change your DNA.
Your link for “Handouts on Low Sulfur, Oxalate and Elimination Diet: from a colleague of mine, Dr Eric Yarnell” is broken. Just wanted you to know.
I took a gene blood test through Recombine per my IFV doctor and found that I also have Methylmalonic Acidemia and Aciduria (I also have MTHFR C677 “severe”). Are all these genetic abnormalities treated different or can i just follow an MTHFR protocal supplements and diet?
Just an FYI. I just received my results from 23andMe which I took for the sole purpose of finding out whether or not I have the MTHFR mutation. 23andMe no longer tests for MTHFR. ?
Hi Dawn – yes – they offer the raw data for MTHFR information. You now need to take your raw data from 23andMe and run it through StrateGene. Doing this will show your MTHFR results from 23andMe along with a bunch of other useful actionable information – and give you access to a private Facebook group where we discuss genetics and how to approach issues.
The link to the handouts on low sulfur, oxalate, elimination diet does not work. Is there anyway I can get those?
I would like to be on a newsletter list, could not find a link……thanks
I can not find where to send my 23 and me
[…] Mental & Physical Health  with more references to investigate. Also check out the many resources Dr. Lynch lists on his […]
I need a list of DRs in Mn
Bernarda Zenker, MD – she’s great – start there.
Los Angeles MTHFR doctor?
I am looking for a dr who specializes in honing detoxification in ct. I have MTHFR, COMT, VDR, MTRR, CBS, BHMT and I have worked with several doctors but no one has the whole picture and I still feel like even after doing a major detoxification and then maintaining it with a good diet, supplements and sauna, I am sliding backwards.
Kristie – Seeing that list of SNPs makes me question the validity of the genetic report you are using. I highly recommend you run your 23andme raw data through Then join the Facebook group for additional support.
Is there anyway to get a baby tested for MRHFR? Can’t do the 23andme because I can get that much saliva from her. My internal medicine dr said today they won’t do a blood draw until the child is 3-4 years old. I don’t want to do vaccinations if she has MTHFR like I do.
Hi Laura –
Depends on the lab testing company. Some will do a cheek swab – others wont. Regardless of MTHFR status, I highly recommend you read and study this book – Vaccine Friendly Plan by Dr Paul Thomas. I also interviewed Dr Thomas here – Do Vaccines cause autism?
What are the prenatal vitamins you recommend for someone with the homozygous 1298 MTHFR mutation? Thank you.
Hi Heather – I use Optimal Prenatal for all women. It is the best formula out there -took me three years to formulate. It’s been proven effective by thousands of women worldwide. I recommend you read this MTHFR and pregnancy article and watch the video as well.
I recently found out I have MTHFR from my psychiatrist after she did a swab test. I have no idea where to start to get help for this. What type of doctor treats this? I am overwhelmed. Any good doctors in southwest Ohio? Thanks!
I have recently moved to Costa Rica, my symptoms became exacerbated here. Tested positive for mthfr back in 2015. Did not bring paperwork with me. Have a naturapath here helping . Can’t get office in Utah to send test results via email. Getting sicker now that I’m on a mtel detox. Dr said Costa Rica water has atsenic and this is one of the worst places I could have come. Diagnosed with hypothroidism in 2009 and fibromyalgia in 2012. Scared and frustrated don’t know what to eat Dr here wants me to do basic gerson therapy. I just feel like crap not eating she also said I need fillings removed by a place that can do it correctly so I’m not exposed any more. We’re here on my husband’s very small military retirement and going thru the little we had put back from selling all our possessions in the states. I’m feeling tons of anxiety and sadness and weaker than when we got here. Not sure about this Dr here, not sure about anything anymore.
I am waiting for my second 23andme test results as first one was inconclusive. Second has been stalled in 1st phase for 5 weeks and it’s not looking good. Is there another company you recommend for dna tests. Already had mthfr blood test which was positive and am really interested to see if other things are stalling my efforts on certain health advances. Read your awesome book and have gone thru phases 1 and 2 and would like to see what’s other fine tuning I can do
After doing 23&me and using Stratagene it shows I am homozygous for 1 MTHFR gene and homozygous for 1 MTRR gene.
So should I add methionine to my diet or avoid methionine rich foods?
Does 23andme still test for MTHFR?
Help me with a life long search.
I believe I have Steroid dysgenesis caused by P450 Oxidoreductase dificiency. I have done my 23andme and downloaded my Raw Data. I’m trying to confirm it as well as find which dietary hacks to fix with nutrition. Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated.
Hector M
Do you still have a resource to find a doctor who works with MTHFR? When I click on it, it says error 404 not found.
Best thing to do is contact my team at and ask for the referral list.