


Bedwetting is Normal . . . to a Point

Diapers on newborns must be used because their nervous system is not yet fully developed.

As they progress in age and become little people, their nervous system is moving along nicely.

As children continue to grow and develop, the frequency of bedwetting goes down and eventually stops.

Why do some children continue bedwetting while others stop?

As with many things, there are numerous reasons why a single condition, such as bedwetting, can have multiple contributing causes. As with any condition, working with a health professional is highly recommended.

UPDATED: June 29, 2019

  • Slower central nervous system development
  • Food allergies
  • Infections (kidney or bladder)
  • Diabetes
  • Excess water consumption prior to bed
  • High histamine (increases sense of urgency and volume)
  • Scared of the dark
  • Sympathetic nervous system depleted (stress – frequent eye blinking is a possible sign)
  • Medication side effects
  • Caffeine (some give this to their kids – and I highly suggest not doing it – and it is also found in many sodas)
  • ?

Common recommendations by me in the past to help resolve bedwetting are:

  • Identify food allergies and remove (gluten and dairy are big – increases histamine)
  • No caffeine
  • No sodas
  • Limit intake of water and fluids prior to bed
  • Always have them go pee right before bed
  • Use a blue LOW light night light (doesn’t affect their melatonin levels)
  • No iPads or screens before bed or in bed
  • Fish oil
  • Multivitamin
  • Probiotic

Nothing remarkable there really but surprisingly, bedwetting resolves in many children using these techniques.

Bedwetting and New Research

Recently, I read a review from a mother discussing her experience with a multivitamin and bedwetting.

In her review, she linked to a research paper discussing bedwetting and folate/B12 levels.

I am quite thankful for her providing this link as I did not think about B12/folate and bedwetting.

Yet I should have.

First of all, thank you ‘happymom’ for providing this research link!

Secondly, I should have made the connection between bedwetting and B12/folate.


I already gave you a big hint above – and I already knew the answer – just from a limited perspective.

What was the hint?

Bedwetting occurs in those with delayed central nervous system development

All the reasons above about bedwetting are focused on WHAT contributes to bedwetting.

They do not delve into WHY some children continue to suffer from bedwetting (and parents as well).

Before we get into WHY, let’s discuss what some researchers found.

The title of the 2012 paper identified by ‘happymom’ is called:
Decreased Vitamin B12 Levels in Children with Nocturnal Enuresis

(BTW – nocturnal enuresis is doctor-speak for bedwetting.)

It was a fairly small study (n = 61) yet areas did reach statistical significance.

The B12 levels were lower in the bedwetting group compared to the control group. This variable reached statistical significance (p = 0.003)

The mean folate levels were also lower in the bedwetting group compared to the control group. This variable did reach statistical significance (p = 0.025).

Low folate was also seen in two of the children in the bedwetting group compared to none in the control group; however, this did not reach statistical significance. If the study was larger, perhaps it would have reached significance.

Another study, a more current one (2015), looked at the relation between B12, folate and iron in children aged 6 to 12 with nocturnal enuresis.

They found similar results as the 2012 study:

  • low mean B12 in the bedwetting group compared to control
  • low mean folate in the bedwetting group compared to control

However, their study found that the low mean folate reached statistical significance but not the low mean B12.

This study was even smaller than the 2012 study so this makes it more difficult to reach statistical significance.

More studies are needed here – and I’d like them to evaluate a few genetic polymorphisms like MTHFR, PEMT, DAO, TCN2, COMT, FUT2 and some others.

In summary, both papers identified lower B12 and lower folate in children who are bedwetting compared to those who are not.

The question is: What do these results mean?

What two nutrients are critical for central nervous system development?

  1. B12
  2. Folate

What two nutrients are critical for methylation?

  1. B12
  2. Folate

What two nutrients were low in children with bedwetting?

  1. B12
  2. Folate


How did I miss this?

Let’s put it together:

A + B = C

A known cause of bedwetting is slower development of the central nervous system + low b12 and low folate contribute to a slowed central nervous system = increased susceptibility to nocturnal enuresis (ie. bedwetting).

If one has low folate and low B12, then their methylation system is going to be less functional.

As their methylation is not up to speed, then the development of the CNS is hindered.

As the CNS development is hindered, so is the nervous system of the bladder which leads to nocturnal enuresis.

Restoring nutrients for CNS development is critical to reducing bedwetting.

We can add these to parental patient history in order to evaluate potential B12/folate deficiencies:

  • “As a child, did you experience difficulties with bedwetting? If yes, what age did you stop?”
  • “How old is your child?”
  • “Does your child wet the bed at night fairly consistently?”

Side note:
There is family history in bedwetting. Since there is family history, it leads me to believe that there is some genetic component to it, yes?

Let’s summarize the growth of a child and their demand on methylation:

The younger the child, the more development they are experiencing. The more development they are experiencing, the more methylation they are utilizing. The more methylation they are utilizing, the more nutrients they require to support methylation.

If the child’s methylation is not supported with nutrients, then bedwetting may show up.

So simple!

Nutrients which support methylation are:

  • Folate (as methylfolate)
  • B12 (as methylcobalamin)
  • B6
  • B2 (supports MTHFR enzyme)
  • Zinc
  • Choline (from protein – esp eggs and shrimp)
  • Glycine (from protein)
  • Methionine (from protein)

Resources to identify foods which provide these nutrients:

Increased risks for methylation dysfunction in children:

  • Vegan
  • Vegetarian
  • Medications (antacids given to infants often…)
  • Limited protein intake (they need around 0.8 grams of protein per 2.2 lbs of body weight)
  • Limited vegetable consumption (provide folate and fiber)
  • Limited red meat intake (provides B12)
  • Limited healthy carbohydrate consumption (grains provide B2 and B6)
  • High refined carbohydrate consumption (low protein and fat intake)
  • Stress (uses up methylation nutrients faster)
  • Genetic polymorphisms (MTHFR, CBS, MTHFD1, DAO, COMT, MAO, MTRR, DHFR, and others)

Lab Tests to consider:

  • CBC with chem panel
  • serum folate (can show ‘high’ yet be ‘low’ functionally)
  • electrolytes
  • serum ferritin
  • serum cobalamin (can show ‘high’ yet be ‘low’ functionally)
  • urinary organic acids
  • plasma amino acids
  • urinary methylmalonic acid
  • whole blood histamine (maybe)
  • CDSA (if having digestive complaints)
  • homocysteine
  • genetic testing (possibly – only when ready mentally)
  • others which your doctor feels appropriate

Supplementation to consider supporting bedwetting:
(NOTE: This is not a list stating to take all.  They are options to consider with your health professional)

  • Kid’s Optimal Multivitamin Capsules or Optimal Multivitamin Chewable or Optimal Multivitamin Powder: provides B12 as methylcobalamin and adenosylcobalamin, provides folate as methylfolate in all multivitamins and some multivitamins also have folate in combination – methylfolate and folinic acid (supports DNA base production).
  • Optimal PC: provides phosphatidylcholine – which requires over 70% of the bodies methylation to produce. Supporting the body with phosphatidylcholine may reduce the burden on methylation. This is not known – only theory. Comes in liquid (thick like molasses) and gelatin capsules which are quite large and hard for kids to swallow.
  • Optimal Creatine: along with phosphatidylcholine, creatine is a major consumer of methyl donors. Supplementing with creatine may reduce the burden on methylation. This is not known – only theory. Side note: creatine is commonly low in child with speech delays – due to a GAMT polymorphism or methylation dysfunction or both.
  • Optimal Liposomal B12 with L-5-MTHF: an easy-to-administer liquid of B12 as methylcobalamin (and folate as methylfolate (just a touch per serving (only 100 mcg per dropperful).
  • Active B12 with L-5-MTHF Lozenge: is a lozenge of B12 as methylcobalamin, adenosylcobalamin and also folate as methylfolate. This can be broken apart into smaller pieces. Dose depends on what your doctor recommends. Starting low and working up is recommended. If taking a multivitamin, this may not be needed. If taking the liposomal B12, this is likely not needed. Again, talk with your doctor.
  • Active B12 Lozenge: provides 5,000 mcg of methylcobalamin and adenosylcobalamin in a lozenge. No folate. Lozenge may be broken into smaller pieces. Again, talk with your doctor about dose.
  • Optimal Adrenal: provides herbs and some nutrients to help reduce stress response. If a child has frequent eye blinking or noticeably stressed out, Optimal Adrenal may prove useful (along with removing stressors).

Success in resolving your child’s bedwetting?!

Please share your story below. How did you resolve it?

Still struggling with resolving your child’s bedwetting? 

Share your story below and also please follow up and let us know how these recommendations have helped!

I look forward to reading them!

PS – Bedwetting also occurs in adults. There are some additional reasons why adults suffer from bedwetting – but considering the above reasons may be a good place to start.

Additional Resource:
This pediatric clinic has a fantastic article on bedwetting. I do not agree with the use of medications, however. Not in this instance.



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9 years ago

Hi there,

This is a very interesting article as I wet the bed and my current client did and now having nocturia now.

What I always assumed is that is was linked to toxins in the body, more probably heavy metals, so the body was trying to get rid of these and did this by increasing urine flow.

Could this still be a factor since methylation is required to rid the body of toxins? So we have higher levels of toxins due to low methylation?

I would love your thoughts.


9 years ago

Any form of B12 actually *causes* bedwetting for my son. I need to test supplemental folate more to know for sure, but in the past that did the same as well.

9 years ago

Wow, I wish I’d known all of this stuff years ago! My daughter (1298 ++) wet the bed until she was around 7 (she’s now 20). I tried everything, including alarms. My mother and brother also had issues with bedwetting, but I don’t know their genetics. All 3 of them are/were also left handed. Not sure if there’s a connection there.
My daughter lived mainly on grains as a kid. We ate very little meat, hated eggs, and she ate limited vegetables–only broccoli and carrots. So it makes sense that she was B12 and Folate deficient and super high anxiety. It also makes sense that years later she would suffer from depression.
We’re working on balancing all of that now, but getting a teen and now 20 year old to do anything consistently is a challenge.
I’m so glad to hear about this possible connection now anyway though for her future children!
Thanks for sharing.

9 years ago

I am so glad to see this article, it is another puzzle piece. In 2013 I found out I had MTHFR A1298C +/-. This past spring my husband and I did the 23andme testing and also found he has the same variation, and that I also have the SNP that can lead to B12 deficiency.
My husband struggled with bedwetting well into his teens, and our 6 year old boy pees the bed 5 out of 7 nights a week. We’ve tried so many recommendations.
But to say that “it’s in his genes” is an understatement and this article may just have given us the tools to help him.
I’m so greatful for Dr Lynch and your research, and your willingness to share it on mthfr.net

9 years ago

my son is 8. He still needs to wear a pull up at night. I have one snp of both MTHFR variants, so he must have one. He was also a micro preemie, born at 27 weeks. So, of course, he had neurological development issues. I would love some ideas on how to get him to not need a pull up!!!

9 years ago

I am happy to see you write about this. We experienced this with our 4 year-old, last year. It started after she was given an rx for mthf and methyl b12 (she is not mthfr, but other mutations that affect methylation). She was also taking other methyl donors. Once I switched the b12 to hydroxy and reduced the other methyl donors, she quit wetting the bed. Anytime I add in too many methyl donors the bedwetting comes back.

I assumed it was because her histamine levels are too high (she has CBS mutations as well as Down syndrome).
I wonder if some changes could help her issues with constipation?

9 years ago
Reply to  Cinnamon

My son has a ton of allergies too. I am reading conflicting info on whether to give b12 or not . I have read that folate and b12 increase histamine. I just now in our experience, how things stand now, if I supplement b12 (any form) and folate, he wets the bed. He is ++a1298c, ++NOS, and many homozygous snps for MCAD genes and DAO

Tara F
9 years ago

Wow. A multivitamin resolved my childhood bedwetting too, at age 10 or 11. I thought it was the placebo effect because they told me they were my bedwetting prevention pills but now I can see how it was the b12 and folate. that was in the 70s.

Sharina Godber
9 years ago

My daughter was bed wetting until just before her 7th birthday last year after I decided to take her off dairy and limit gluten. However around the same time I bought her a brand new mattresses and within two nights she was dry every night after. I think she has a MTHFR gene as I have two variants and a dust mite allergy. She reacted quite severely to nitric oxide at the dentist which led me to believe b12 deficiency may be contributing to this reaction and a likely MTHFR problem. She also has low iron and gets worked up easily.

Hmm didn’t know b12 and folate increase histamine, I suspect mines high as I get migraines with high histamine food I also have weekly b12 shots and low dose methyl folate.

9 years ago

Dr Lynch, did you mean to say it’s best to ‘avoid’ blue light as it can impair melatonin release, and encourage use of red light? You can get salt lamp night-lights – they give off a beautiful, soft, orange glow.

7 years ago
Reply to  Dr. Ben Lynch

what light color can I use so It won’t interfere with her melatonin production?

9 years ago

Hi, I am an adult now, but I was a bedwetter as a child, only one of 3 kids. I am also positive for MTHFR and A1298C. My parents took me to a DO who said that it was due to a pinched nerve. He did chiropractic treatments on me for a while and the bedwetting stopped. So if you struggle with this take your child to an osteopathic Dr.

9 years ago

blue light night light?!?!?!? really??!?!?!
are you unaware how harmful blue light is to sleep? you mention this has no effect on melatonin…can you site something for why you make this statement? i can site many regarding the opposite.

Dr. Aron
9 years ago
Reply to  patty

Patty – Yes. I think this is a typo. I will point this out to Dr. Lynch.

9 years ago
Reply to  patty

Patty I think if you re read what was said, you’ll find that “blue light” IS to be avoided….

9 years ago

This is very interesting. There’s another investigation relating betwetting to constipation. And going often does not mean not being constipated. It’s often the opposite: the ones that go 3 or more times a day are the worst cases. Also because the have no clue. The intestines make a preassure on the bladder.

Nancy Preston
9 years ago

Just to let you know that our eight year old son has no trouble at all swallowing the SeekingHealth Optimal PC capsules – you mention they’re difficult for children to swallow but neither of ours have trouble.

9 years ago

My son wet the bed every single night until he was eight, when he underwent 11 hours’ surgery for a malignant brain tumour (which miraculously he survived). From the night of his surgery, when his body must have been under the greatest possible stress, he was dry. Not one more wet night ever. Neither his paediatrician nor his neurologist believed there could be any link – “Enuresis stems from aggravation of the bladder and is unrelated to the brain or the nervous system.” If your child bed-wets please don’t assume this could indicate a brain tumour; I’m relaying the story only as yet more evidence of the link between brain/CNS and bladder!

9 years ago

Both my sons’ bedwetting usually seems to be linked with impaired sulfation – eg oxalate dumping, too much molybdenum, too much zinc, lack of B6, lack of magnesium and related nutrients.

Lack of B1 is also a substantial factor, though for my youngest one, it makes him wake up needing to urinate but flatly refusing to do so.

Andrea Meyer
7 years ago
Reply to  Katie

How did you figure this out? I am just now making a possible connection between oxalates and my son’s bedwetting but am just now looking into. Any advice?

7 years ago
Reply to  Katie

What doctor helped you figure this all out? Our Urologist had no options for this…

Chris Legge
9 years ago

My daughter wet the bed til she was 8 and still has to go the toilet very frequently
We have just fund out one of my neices has the 1289 gene and wondering if this frequency could be related to MHTFR . She has multiple allergies and always has had
She also has very high folate
Thank you

9 years ago

My 7 year old son has 1 copy of a1298c and has never been dry one night in his life. He has been diagnosed with spd and adhd. All of the symptoms he has the meet the criteria are due to CNS disfunction (fidgety, spatial awareness, noise making, impulsiveness, attention and focus, etc.). We have been to every type of doctor possible including biomed where we did lots of testing and lots of supplements. Tried meds (none of which worked for him). He has been gluten free and dairy free for 2 years. We went through several protocols to heal his gut. He still takes probiotics and fish oils. I am looking to try supplements again, but I am at a loss as to where to start and doses. I know I need to give him 5-mthfr and the methyl form of B-12. I am also thinking magnesium/calcium as well. Every time I start these on my own, I see negative effects like aggression and irritability and so I stop because I feel unsure. I feel that bedwetting is definitely a part of this and I would love to be able to help my son in all of these areas. My question is do you have a recommendation of where to start or a simple compound of vitamins that have many of the supports that could be necessary for the central nervous system. He is extremely high functioning and seems to just need a little support. We just haven’t been able to find the right supplements or combination of them. Thanks for any input you have and your continued research of the a mutation.

9 years ago
Reply to  Tiffany

If the methylated vitamins cause aggression and irritability in your son, please don’t push them. The fact is, not everyone tolerates methylated vitamins.

Ben Lynch has built a business- not a medical practice- selling methylated vitamins and tests. If you don’t tolerate them, well, he’ll recommend several more of his own supplements to take to counteract the bad effects of the methyls. In fact, I don’t think I’ve ever seen him recommend a form of a B vitamin that is not the kind he is selling. His are the “best”.

Lynch is not doing any research of his own- he is cherry-picking actual research on PubMed. My doctor followed his marketing, and she prescribed high doses of methylfolate and methylcobalamin. They made me horrendously ill. I stopped them, and my real problem became quickly apparent: B12 deficiency with neurological damage.

If you read the articles linked above, they do not talk about methylation or whether methylated vitamins are necessary. Lynch has inserted this part and I don’t think that’s right. Instead, they talk about simple deficiency of B12, folate, and iron. All of these are necessary for the proper development of the CNS. Both articles state that the exact mechanism in which B12 is involved in the CNS is unclear, however, it is definitely necessary.

If your son has digestive issues and CNS symptoms, it is worth getting him checked for these deficiencies. If he’s deficient then he may need supplementation, but it does not NEED to be the methyl forms. It will depend on his tolerance.

I think we’re starting to see the reports of adverse reactions trickle in. Why do some people tolerate the methylated forms and others don’t? I don’t think we know that yet. It could be genetic. I’ve heard some explanations put forward by some functional MDs that you may be an over or undermethylator due to genetics, and so have intolerance or tolerance to methyl groups, respectively. It sounds like a good theory, but I’m not sure how much it has been tested.

These genetic polymorphisms are real, but they are infinitely complex and so much research has yet to be done. Lynch likes to draw premature conclusions and use scare tactics to promote his protocols.

You may be interested to watch the video “Diagnosing B12 Deficiency” by elpllc on youtube. It interviews several people who deal with neurological damage due to B12 deficiency.

If I had had a bit of cyano or adenosylcobalamin when I was only slightly deficient, I would be in a whole different life right now. Instead, my doctor messed around with the methyl forms, made me so sick I ended up in the hospital multiple times, and I still ended up with nerve damage. Now I am on a form of B12 I tolerate better, but I am suffering permanent damage from my time with this doctor and I will never be the same. I shudder to think of small children being put through that sort of suffering and not being able to speak up. My opinion: be aware that some people suffer extreme adverse effects with anything methyl. If you tolerate, great, if not, find a different form. Lynch or Yasko are not the end-all-be-all.

9 years ago
Reply to  Alyson

My sons integrative doc prescribed methylfolate amongst other things for MTHFR adhd bed wetting hay fever etc. After the first TINY dose if put a hole through the wall with his foot, was a emotional basket-case. Waited a week, tried again. Similar result, this time he was sort of hallucinating at bed time, every time he closed his eyes he could see the world ending. The doctor wanted us to persist with it! I stopped taking him to that doctor.

There was a positive outcome. I started noticing that he had a similar, milder response to bread – which in Australia is mandatorily fortified with folic-acid. This was quite a break through for us. Most yoghurt does the same – certain bacteria, including bifido, synthesize folate. I hunted down a culture online to make yoghurt which he doesn’t react to. Finally I had found a fermented food he could tolerate (although too much in the evening still has a bed wetting effect, due to histamine). All makes sense since a Bioscreen had earlier revealed a Bifido overgrowth in his gut. Also he had stopped bed wetting years ago for one month completely, aged three, while overseas in the UK… Where folic acid fortification of bread is not the norm.

I find it funny this article suggests low folate could be a cause of bed wetting. Seems I’m not the only one to have found the exact opposite. Excess seems to be my son’s main problem and since discovering this and avoiding foods fortified with it his conditions have been better and we have been able to reintroduce many foods..

8 years ago
Reply to  Jo

This is very interesting Jo, thanks for sharing. I’m sorry your son went through that.

I had something similar. Anger, violence, and at night I felt like I was in a horror movie.

My frequent urination became extreme.

I had way too much methylfolate.. In fact, I didn’t need it. My folate levels were fine, my dr for just never checked them because she thought “A1298C, can’t process folate” I have bacteria that produce plenty.

Look up the side effects of too much folate/folic acid etc. It is not benign

8 years ago
Reply to  A

Hi A, thanks for your reply. I found this article very informative, it got me on the right track when I realised my son had a problem with folate and gut health. He talks about the excess folic acid produced by an overgrowth of “non-pathogenic” bacteria. “Many individuals with MTHFR C677T/A1298C, MTR, BHMT, etc. may have symptoms of under- or overmethylation due solely to the excess folic acid from improper gut bacteria and digestion.”


8 years ago
Reply to  A

Sorry Jo, but Rostenberg is wrong when he claims that folic acid “is a NATURAL by product of the metabolism of bacteria that live in our intestines.”

It’s just not true. Folic acid “is synthetically produced, and used in fortified foods and supplements on the theory that it is converted into folate.”

8 years ago
Reply to  A

Mitchell – many people interchangeably use the terms folic acid and folate. Doctors often use the term folic acid simply because that is a more recognizable name for most people. You are nit-picking and missing the point of this discussion which about gut bacteria raising folate levels in the blood.

9 years ago

Hi my son is 7 and bedwets every night sometimes twice he has PANDAS which we are treating holistically and not using the general protocol which is life long antibiotics , after 20 months we are seeing serious development in all symptoms and I believe healing is truly happening here
Slower central nervous system development
Food allergies – eliminated
Infections (kidney or bladder) treated (with holistic care)
Diabetes ruled out
Excess water consumption prior to bed we are leaving it an hour before bed have tried longer and shorter periods
Scared of the dark yes – only while very unwell
Laziness why would a child wet the bed through laziness I find it quite insulting to kids
Medication side effects they aren’t taking any and never have
Caffeine (some give this to their kids – and I highly suggest not doing it – and it is also found in many sodas)
? never given

Common recommendations by me in the past to help resolve bedwetting are:

Identify food allergies and remove (gluten and dairy are big) done
No caffeine done
No sodas never have had any
Limit intake of water and fluids prior to bed done
Always have them go pee right before bed done
Use a blue light night light (doesn’t affect their melatonin levels) will explore
Star board (get a star for each night they don’t wet their bed and a prize at X stars)
I don’t believe star charts to be useful for anything let alone something they can’t control and as it’s every night alll I forsee is a very low self esteem
Taking off their bedsheets self and taking them to the laundry already does
Fish oil can’t take because of pyroloria
Multivitamin we take selceted minerals mag zinc and B’s
Probiotic already do.
we just got b12 patches

9 years ago

In MTHFR sufferers there is an excess level of one of the particular Amino Acids in the methylaton cycle which can be responsible for bedwetting and uncontrollable urination, keep an eye out for this amino acid. Also be careful about the 23andMe testing, this organisation provides such cheap testing because it is backed by Google and your gene mapping is collected and stored for future analysis by such companies. Just warning you.

7 years ago
Reply to  MIchelle

I am so overwhelmed in researching all of this… I cannot find a doctor who knows what to do for my children… that is why I am searching myself. My children and I have MTHFR, CBS and many others and I know their list of issues are related somehow to these effecting their balance of folate, Vitamin B’s and so on… One child is SEVERELY anxious (all her life on antidepressants) the other is SEVERELY the opposite with little to no motivation to participate in life and is still wetting EVERY night and he is 15. Any advice would be appreciated on where to get help or what supplement to start with.

9 years ago

Alyson, have you tried another source of supplementation that does away with inidividual vitamins and synthetic laboratory produced chemicals? Many of these vitamins (even methylated) do not have the necessary cofactors or enzymes that are present in natural food sources, that’s probably why many people have ups and downs and then need niacin to regulate their overmethylation. I’m afraid it’s typical medical school mentality of popping a pill to cure all.

It’s a no win situation with synthetic supplements, I am now trying to get real food sources to supplement our childrens deficiencies in various amino acids. The most important test, as Dr Ben recommends also, is the amino acid panel via serum (not urine), once you have that graph you know for sure which amino acids are in over supply or deficient – this was more important for our treatment than the simple genetic tests for MTHFR 677 and 1298. Infinite complexities of genes means you will never know where the roadblock is, hence why supplementing will eventually fail.

We are now trying chlorophyll liquid to replenish some very deficient amino acids while relying of the body to excrete the unwanted ones, I hope others try the same so we get a picture of whether it works. Remember this has not been done anywhere and I’m the first to mention it, so I can’t promise anything, but I’m sick of the supplementation balancing act and not knowing what to do when someting goes wrong.

Will advise of success on this forum if my posts stop getting censored because I think this may be another way forward for long term maintenance of methylation health.

9 years ago
Reply to  MIchelle

Hi Michelle,

As I have malabsorption issues some amount of supplementation is necessary. I know that’s not ideal. But I’m not trying to tweak every last gene. All I want is to keep an eye on my deficiencies and if I need to, supplement them the best I can in a form I tolerate. That’s it. I wish that had been my doctor’s approach, I wouldn’t be dealing with this now.

I’m concerned about the focus on methylated forms no matter what. Given how badly some people can react, and given that there is much research to be done about which types of B9 and B12 are best for which issues, I think a lot of claims are just plain biased and premature.

I agree with you that the synthetic forms can get out of hand easily. And despite Lynch’s suggestions about which of his supplements to take to counteract the adverse effects of methylfolate, he really doesn’t have a ton of evidence to claim that these things will help. He can’t even say exactly why the adverse effects are occurring- more research needs to be done (by actual researchers). With that in mind, these laundry lists of supplements just look like marketing to me. Maybe there’s some good in there, but it’s wrapped in a scam. It doesn’t make sense to me to take supplements that can make you worse than the original illness.

Folate supplementation and perhaps B12 can elevate cancer risk, for example.


I had amino acids tested at one point. The doctor recommended a $300 powder that tasted like bile. I used it for a week. I hope the chlorophyll works for you. I don’t know anything about it.

I think the reason so many people get caught up in this supplementation balancing act is that they are buying into this methylation marketing that the methylated forms are best at all costs. Then they get side effects and have to manage those. I feel so much better on hydroxo or cyanocobalamin. No side effects. The minute I take methylcobalamin I want to jump out a window. So I take other forms and leave it at that.

9 years ago


I have been reading about the simplified Pfeiffer protocol of over-methylation etc and Yaskos complicated protocol of multiple gene identification (CBS upregulation questionable) together with HeartFixer and Dr Ben’s and all these protocols have contradicting or mismatching information and advice, most likely because they are all partially correct but missing the bigger picture that each of the others bring to the table.

Some protocols deal with the damage caused by functional methylation blockages while others take a bigger picture approach and look at Pyrroles and Mauve syndrome together with MTHFR, while others look at amino acid deficiencies and direct supplementing for these without worrying too much about why. On this site, Dr. Ben doesn’t look into related genes, concentrating mainly on the MTHFR’s and CBS genes and mentioning the others when it suits him, because things would just start getting too complicated. Dr.Ben’s warning that the protocol needs tweaking for each person, has unknown effects and therefore needs to be under strict medical supervision is really a disclaimer for anyone trying to make some logical sense out of it all – if there is any. I find all the jargon impressive but I don’t see anyone claiming to have been fixed long-term by it. Maybe short-term wellness but not long-term.

Given the limited number of doctors worldwide who know anything about this, let alone trained in Dr Lynch’s protocol, it becomes very difficult to implement properly unless under the direct supervision of Dr Lynch himself. So the question becomes, have we seen testimonials from anyone on this site that claim to have been stabilised or fixed of their MTHFR problems and long term illnesses after undergoing Dr. Lynch’s treatment?

Secondly, is there proof of any kind that the MTHFR gene was responsible for their
problems in the first place, or was it a sickness of modern living, iodine, B12 or magnesium deficiencies? Modern medicine places too much emphasis on individual parts of our biology and doesn’t look at the big picture. Have we been guilty of the same thing here? Specialities can lead to tunnel vision.

How can we be sure the MTHFR defective genes are expressed, recessive or dormant in heterozygous? Is this information in the gene test? In which case, should we be treating for MTHFR at all or something else? B12, methylfolate, molybdenum, niacin, which to start with for which mutation? What do homozygous C677 sufferers need to do that the others don’t?

How can we treat Hypohomocysteinemia and how is this related to the MTHFR gene? I’m sure not all MTHFR patients have high homocysteine.

The information in this research paper is very interesting and contradicts the protocol http://www.drkendalstewart.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/Significance-of-Low-Plasma-Homocysteine.pdf

I would like to see some actual case studies and success stories from the thousands of people Dr Lynch has treated on this site because until then I’ve found too much can go wrong and nobody around to help you fix it.

The Phoenix Rising forums has a bunch of case studies of people trying various protocols and you can clearly see the problems. Fredd himself has been trying them out for 20 years or so. I do applaud Dr Lynch for picking this up early and identifying the potential of MTHFR treatment many years ago when others were asleep at the wheel, but for me I would like a bit more evidence, case studies and clear protocols with explanations of why things can go wrong and how to fix them – not just to take niacin to fix over-methylation, which would happen to anyone on methyls. Until then I will continue searching and aggregating information by Dr Lynch, Yasko, Phoenix and HeartFixer and others.

9 years ago

I used to wet the bed until I was 12. I’m 35 now. Recently found out that I have the c677t ++ mutation. My 4 1/2 year old son has regressive autism. Waiting for his 23 and me results to see what mutations he has. He’s also a bed wetter. Makes sense

9 years ago

My son stopped wetting the bed after switching from a doctor prescribed, ASD focused multivitamin with high amounts of P5P to the Optimal Kids Multi from Seeking Health. (I am the one mentioned above who gave the grateful review of this product.)

For what it’s worth I’ll share some background. My son has high pyrolles, and many of the symptoms of pyroluria. High oxidative stress, high anxiety, scared of the dark, swings terrified him, terrible eater who could hardly choke down meat (I now figure that was connected to low zinc). He was also a late talker who would stop mid sentence and speak gibberish (I think there’s a term for that) and who also expressed himself in sort of backwards ways up until 5.5 years old; seemed to fall down a lot; scared of bathroom fans and flushing toilets. Would want me to walk with him everywhere in the house. It was life limiting. The original supplements helped. I did the 23andme test after learning a little about mthfr and feeling that progress was stalling. He had several homozygous mutations in his methylation panel. I realized that though he was getting the old multi with high P5P, and also separately additional vitamin d, vitamin k2, fish oil, zinc, probiotics, magnesium, and calcium (without a minimal 300 – 500 mg of elemental calcium, he would grind his teeth all night) he was getting no folate except for in greens, and his B12 was in the cyano form. I compared notes from Dr. Ben’s site, Dr. Amy’s, Pheonix Rising, Dr. Klinghardt and others out there who are discussing methylation, epigenetics, and pyroluria and cross referenced among them the advice pertaining to my son’s genetics as well as other test results ordered from our local, functional medicine doctor. Youtube was a good resource for presentations.

I was excited to find the Kids Optimal Multivitamin because it was geared toward ASD and yet had some additional nutrients I’d read about in my cross referencing that fit my son’s specific needs. I started the switch slowly, and purchased P5P separately. I give my son a liquid magnesium approved by my doctor, and also a magnesium spray to support the high amounts of P5P. I added in lithium orotate at 2.5 mg to support the B12, as per Dr. Amy’s advice, changed the form of zinc and added evening primrose oil. (Thank goodness he mastered swallowing capsules a few months ago!)

My son quit wetting the bed at the point we hit a half day’s dose of the the Kids Opti Multi. This was thrilling to me. He fortunately never seemed to feel badly about accidents–most nights I either got him up after a couple hours of sleep to go or he would wet in the night and hardly remember getting helped into new clothes and clean sheets. But we all sleep so well now! It’s another layer of freedom and independence for us both. As we’ve completely shifted to the new protocol I like that I have more specific control over how much p5p he gets and I see him hitting milestones all the time–like he should. I see better speech, clearer expression of ideas, daring acts (jumping in the lake from a small cliff; riding on an inner tube back and forth across the wake) and better self control in stressful social situations.

Just a note on test results for b12 and folate. I don’t know how useful blood tests are, and honestly this gave me pause to link to the bedwetting study in my review. My son’s were normal to high in both areas. I think Dr. Ben and others have talked about the synthetic forms being unusable for some people, and rather than being flushed out in urine they hang around in the body. (Correct me if I’m wrong.) But I do believe that it was the change to the active forms of folate and b12 that ended the bedwetting.

Additionally, in the links provided by a previous commenter to this article regarding cancer risk and B12 and folate, it is not clear to me whether the research is based on synthetic or active forms of those vitamins. I’d come across those articles before, and noted references to folic acid at times and assumed they were dealing with synthetic forms.

I appreciate Dr. Ben’s work so much. Would not have gone down this path without coming across it. I am grateful to all the doctors and commenters here and on other sites. It’s a great conversation–all consuming at times, though, thankfully, not as much these days.

9 years ago

So, I am correct to assume that I would need to try only 1 of the supplements above? Not all of them, correct?

9 years ago

Forgive my over sharing, and sorry if I confused matters. At the time the bedwetting stopped, the only change in my son’s regimen was the switch from another company’s multivitamin to the Kids Optimal Multi. All other supplements had been in place for at least a month (low dose lithium orotate) and most for over a year.

9 years ago

I wish my parents had known about this when I was a child. I wet my bed until was 13. They just blamed me for being lazy. I didn’t dare spend the night with a friend, and the one time I did, I stayed awake all night. I was so embarrassed that as soon as I realized I had wet the bed, I would strip it and wash the sheets so my parents wouldn’t know.

My sister had the MTHFR test done about a year ago. She is heterozygous for C677T and homozygous for A1298C. This means that I am at least heterozygous for C677T and probably homozygous for A1298C. I was also diagnosed with Bipolar disorder about 10 years ago, and have had severe mood swings since I was very young. I also had debilitating migraines starting when I was young.

So, I had many of the symptoms, but doctors didn’t know anything about DNA back then. Fortunately, it doesn’t appear that I passed on any of these problems to my son, who is now 35; although he did suffer from mood swings when he was young, and it was suggested by a teacher that he had ADD. I don’t know if he has outgrown them, but as far as I can tell, he has. Obviously, his dad didn’t have either, and his children seem to be fine; so hopefully, it died out with me. Of course, his children are only 2 years old and less than a year old. We shall see. I will be extra vigilant.

9 years ago
Reply to  Kathleen

I have to modify above comment. My sister is homozygous for C677T and heterozygous for A1298C. Somehow, these are not intuitive, since homo usually means 1 and hetero usually means two, so I would think that homozygous, as it is in genes, means 1 gene, whereas heterozygous means 2 genes. Since my sister has the mutation from both parents, that seems heterozygous to me. Why is it different here?

Dr. Aron
9 years ago
Reply to  Kathleen

Kathleen – Homozygous simply means two copies of the same allele. Heterozygous means two difference alleles of a particular gene. An allele is a variation of a gene that produces a trait (e.g. a gene for eye color has alleles that are expressed as brown eyes vs. blue eyes). So homozygous C677T means 2 copies of this allele. Heterozygous A1298C means just one allele. Hope this clears things up.

9 years ago

Ok, please remove the section from Somehow… as I was incorrect. It would also be nice if you would just fix the first comment here using the “My sister is homozygous for C677T and heterozygous for A1298C”. and fixing it wherever else I used the wrong term 🙁

9 years ago

My daughter wet the bed until she was 13. She is so mature in every way and this was so frustrating for her. She stopped once I learned about MTHFR mutations and started giving her Methyl protect, which contains methylcobalamin. Both my husband and his father, and my father and brother wet the bed. I knew that I was homozygous for MTHFR mutation c677t because I had 5 miscarriages and one late term loss and was tested. I was told that my mutation wasn’t the cause because my homocystein wasn’t high but to take 1000 mg of folic acid everyday so that I wouldn’t clot. Since I had 2 bad copies of the gene (one from each parent), I knew that my 2 kids had at least one bad copy. Their stamina for sports increased dramatically and they feel much sharper mentally. They will not leave the house without their “Methyl” and recommend it to friends. I had them and my husband tested and they are all homozygous for 677. We all benefit greatly from the methylated B12 and I wish that I wish that I would have known years ago for my beautiful daughter. It was like a fog was lifted from my brain and I don’t need to nap daily once I started to take it.

9 years ago

I have a degree in early childhood education and while I really appreciate this article, need to point out that a sticker board for toileting is unfair to a child.
Urinating is an involuntary physical action that we expect children to learn to make voluntary at a young age when their bodies and understanding may not be fully ready. By setting up a system of reward for urinating in the way we believe is acceptable (not in the bed while sleeping), we are also setting up a punishment for urinating in the way we are teaching children is unacceptable (in the bed).
Children aren’t cognitively choosing to wet the bed while they’re sleeping. So what sense does it make to give them a meaningless object to show that they didn’t? It sets up a system of shame for when they do. Waking up wet is uncomfortable, disrupts sleep, and then disrupts morning routines. It’s frustrating enough as it is, and then we punish children for it by withholding a stupid sticker, and probably affection and love!
We could do a lot better by helping children understand their bodies instead of trying to train them like dogs.

9 years ago

I am SO excited to have come across this website! I came here via Dave Asprey and his informative podcasts.
I live in Australia with my husband and two wonderful children. I am now on a mission to have us all tested for gene abnormalities. This is the medicine of the future!
My 12 year old daughter suffers from nocturnal enuresis. We have seen multiple specialists who say that she’s healthy and suppressant medication should be used until she ‘grows out of it’. I cannot tell you how frustrating this has been.
We have experimented with alarms but she doesn’t wake. My daughter (much like my husband) sleeps so deeply that it’s like trying to wake a drugged person. Dark circles under the eyes too. The allergy test came back with issues around dust mites and feathers, which we have eliminated from her bed (latex mattress and pillows with dust mite covers).
She also has blocked sinuses and has recently developed contact dermatitis from chlorine (she’s been a competitive swimmer) and is also affected by cold water on her skin. She needs to take an antihistamine just to be in the water without itching up a storm and having beetroot red skin.
Now that I have been reading about gene mutations, I am starting to believe that this is the core of the problem. My daughter has reached the tipping point for her immune system and I have to get on top of this.
Now I need to find a doctor in Sydney that understands this. The other aspect of gene testing that hasn’t been mentioned is the issue around health insurance. If we go mainstream medical, this information will be on our records and there is the likelihood that my children will either be refused insurance in the future, or the premium will be tripled because of the gene mutation. This isn’t going to stop me from getting tested but adds another layer of complexity to the situation.
Thank you so much for your dedication to this research. I believe the future health of my family depends on it.

Talal Al-Salmi
9 years ago
9 years ago

Kim, good luck finding a doctor in Australia who knows enough about MTHFR to treat your family. First, the various gene tests are NOT available via medicare or mainstream labs, you have to go and see the naturo-quacks who use a separate gene lab.

Second, even if your doctor tests for MTHFR, they can’t get CBS gene test nor Ammonia testing in Oz, which makes the whole exercise pointless. Best you can do is ask them for both MTHFR’s, B12 proper, full amino acid serum tests and a full blood and liver test.

After that you’re basically on your own coz the docs in Oz won’t want to nor will they know how to prescribe active vitamins and nutrients needed to help you.

You’ll be given synthetic folic acid or folinic acid while they advise you that MTHFR is nothing to worry about. They may treat your high cholestrol with drugs and your blood pressure with drugs, leaving you hooked on pharmaceuticals without treating the underlying metabolic problem. For them it’s just an unknown which would take too much time and research to even bother about. Sad but true.

Anna B
9 years ago

My 7 year old son had been dealing with bed wetting for almost 2 years. After doing a blood test, he was very low in b-12. He has MTHFR and a few other genetic mutations. Once b12 was used, bed wetting stopped. We had to find a happy balance with b-12, because too much made him very angry. I never put two and two together until reading this article. It all makes sense now that the b-12 made the bed wetting stop.

9 years ago

Very interesting. I wet the bed some nights ’till I was at least 7. It was terribly upsetting. But interesting to note that a couple years ago I got huge blood work up and my MTHFR667 is labeled as C/T. I came across this article by accident just trying to learn more about this C/T designation. My now grown son also had some bed wetting issues ’till older than many children, but not my daughter did not. My now grown son has not been tested, but I think it might be safe to consider that he has the C/T designation as well. Fascinating for sure.

Ranea Daugherty
8 years ago

My son is 13 and has been wetting the bed every night with very few dry nights. We’ve tried limiting drinks before bed, an alarm, chiropractic therapy. This is very interesting as my husband has been battling Lyme Disease for a few years now. He was not getting well as quickly as they were expecting and with some research and testing he has the MTHFR mutation. Wondering if my son does as well and if this is the cause for his bedwetting?? What should he try and what is the dosage. Normal 13 year old, active boy. This wold be HUGE if it helps him!!!

[…] are unaware of the 64 other associated conditions as tongue tie and even some heart defects, bedwetting, and scoliosis!  This is a very difficult topic to understand, and this presentation by Dr. Ben […]

8 years ago

I am so happy to come across this article… my son is 13 and has always wet the bed. No Dr’s help… they just say wait it out and/or put him on desmopressin. I recently found out I have The MTHFR defect so it makes since that he may as well. Going to investigate further but thank you so much!

kim kowalski
8 years ago

Hello Dr. Lynch,
Im so happy you posted this article as all four of my children have dealt with this!
my oldest stopped at age 11 once we started to address his methylation issues. my question is, my youngest is 5. she is still wetting her bed. i give her one optimal kids chewable a day. what would be a good amount of b12 to start her on to see if the increased amount of b12 makes a difference? we have a history of mold exposure in our family and i have parietal cells auto antibodies so b12 issues we are familiar with. my daughter is also compound hetero with the a1298c and c77t.
thank you for all the work you do and getting this information out there!

8 years ago

Could be hashimotos. Low iodine from mum. Low zinc because of gut problem. Low boron making less NAD.

Did not find out had hashi till 40 and mum had it remember having bed wetting problem as a kid. Think more an over methylation as histamine low.

8 years ago

Found out I am homozygous A2198c. My kiddo is 9yrs old with history of kidney and bladder infections. Has wet bed nightly since age 3. You mention in previous comment giving lyposomal glutathione. I just bought some for me. Think it would be worth giving her some? What amount would we start her at?

stellar nebula
8 years ago

Dr Lynch! My daughter is 8 years old and is still wetting the bed regularly until recently. She has an interesting line up of mutations including NOS +/+ and BHMT +/+ (x 3). Eventually, giving her oral/ nasal of methyl, hydroxo and adenosylcobalamin along with 5mthf worked and bedwetting stopped instantly.

stellar nebula
8 years ago

I should add she also started taking setria glutathione simultaneously. Could be a big help with the BHMT +/+.

Jocelyn Mckervey
7 years ago

Any other Link you may want to research is mouth breathing due to oral ties. Oral ties are a common defect seen in mthfr.

When children mouth breath their nitric oxide levels are insufficient, when nitric oxide is low, the nervous system often responds by releasing the bladder. Low Nitric oxid levels are another cause for an underdeveloped nervous system.

My 5 yr old has ties and bedwetting issues, she mouth breaths and snores. We’ve seen significant improvement when on methylated B vitamins. I’m told this is because they raise the nitric oxide levels in the body. So while she is still mouth breathing, the vitamins have helped balance the nitric oxide levels which has improved bedwetting.

7 years ago

My son is hetro for A1298C and homo for CBS C699T. He’s 8 years old and still wets the bed. It’s not every day and sometimes a few days on and a few off. I would like to add a multi to his diet. Would the Multi vitamin benefit him? I believe he needs some sort of support as he doesn’t eat well enough. He’s very very picky and would be afraid to eliminate anything from his diet, because he’s so limited. He doesn’t eat many veggies or fruits and gets full very fat with very small portions. I once had him on Thorne children’s basic but stopped that a long time ago. He seems pretty healthy and energetic He does easily anger and gets upset but that doesn’t mean it’s from the mutations. Please let me know your thoughts about the vitamin. Thank you. AnnMarie

7 years ago

Wow! I stumbled on this article. Almost our whole family of 5 kids struggled with bed wetting . We were even going to family counseling when we were younger. (I’m 50 yo now.) I know that I have two sets of defective MTHFR genes and COMT genes. Learning quite a bit now about how lifestyle and nutrition play a role in the expression of these genes. Thankfully I am long past those days but I still have an adult brother who has struggled almost his entire life with this symptom.

7 years ago

I am so desperate for help… I have two kids who have MTHFR C677T and CBS C699T. Both have been in and out of Specialists all of their lives. My son, now 15, has wet the bed EVERY night of his life unless he is dehydrated. He has ADD (with the opposite of Hyperactivity, very “lazy like”). No help from the Urologist who simply gave us alarms and a medication that gave him nightmares. My younger has had SEVERE anxiety all of her life (been on anti-anxiety medication from age 6 and is now 12)… she also has OCD. After reading all of this and many hundreds of other sites, I am desperate to try to try something. We have been to a Naturopath, we have been to a Urologist, we are still seeing a Psychiatrist and NOT one of them has a clue about any of this! Lynch, should I start with B12 and see how they do, maybe Optimal Liposome B12 or Kids Optimal Multi? They are not growing out of any of their struggles and are actually getting worse, they both have Cold Urticardia and food intolerance now. So I know these deficiencies impact their histamine levels but have no idea how or why… It’s heartbreaking, exhausting and discouraging and it directly impacts their self-esteem and ability to live a normal life…

7 years ago
Reply to  Dr. Ben Lynch

Thank you for replying, I truly appreciate it. I will look into these doctors as options for diagnosis. After reading your work and so many other amazing sites, I really think they have issues of transsulfuration and methylation which could be due to their CBS +,+ , MAO-A +,+, VDR +,+ and MTHFR C677T +,-… I imagine environment has made these worse or started the mutations on the wrong path. The older they get the more health issues they develop which tells me damaging things are compounding in their bodies and now have the CU I mentioned and food intolerance issues. I feel like we are a critical stage for intervention. Thank you again for your referral. Your site and your response mean a lot to our family.

Julia Lindsey
5 years ago
Reply to  Aimee

Also maybe look into mast cell activation syndrome, especially if your kids are also hypermobile… all this too may be connected with mthfr, not sure…

5 years ago

Hi, thank you Dr. Lynch and everyone else so much for sharing this information.

I have two sons and my 11 year old was wetting his bed until the age of 9! Around that time he stopped wetting the bed bur started waking up EVERY NIGHT 3-4 times to go to the bathroom. He looked exhausted and he developed heart issues (doule beats up to 11.000 additional beats in 24 hours). Horrible. I stumbled upon Dr. Lynch’s work, read his book, watched a ton of his youtube videos and I cannot speak highly enough of him. I am so grateful for his work and research.

The first thing I have changed: a healthy diet with no processed foods. Only fresh and organic. Eggs, liver from grass fed cows and lots of leafy greens. No sugar at all – just fruits like berries.NO Dairy, NO GLUTEN.
No proteins at night for my 11 year old. That was a true game changer! From day one he stopped waking up at night and slept through! Supplementing with B vitamins in the active form along with folate, zink, copper, magnesium and calcium (sango coral powder) helped with pyroluria.
The heart problems still persists.

My 7 year old son is still wetting the bed every night. Unfortunately. He also deals with pyroluria and histamine intolerance as well as allergies and leaky gut. I implemented the same procedures as above. But it seems to get worse with the bed wetting.
Has anyone an idea why?
I am grateful for every suggestion,

5 years ago

Hi there!
My sister who is mentally handicapped with symptoms of Autism wets the bed and wears Depends all the times. However, she would always pee the bed 3 times a nite. She would wet her depends and the urine would over flow onto her wrap protecting her bed, plus onto her bedding (sheets). Plus she would wrap herself n her comforter to warm herself up. So everything was wet. So my mom had to do wash 3 times a night on everything

I got interested in nutrition and I always start with the fat soluable vitamins first. We added Vitamin D to her regime everyday. She started to walk straighter. Eventually, she was wetting a lot less. She still wets the bed but it is contained to the depends. Her pad stays dry and her sheets on her bed remain dry as well as her pjs and comforter.

That is a huge success!

5 years ago

Situation is 20 years old with primary nocturnal enuresis. How much b12 and folate could I try to see if this works? Some success has been had with DDAVP but not always. Please let me know of recommended brand and dose. Thanks you.

5 years ago

This is very interesting to me. I have 2 copies of C677T, Two of my boys wet the bed till they were nearly 12. I tried everything. Except nutrition. I had no idea. Now I’m wanting to get them tested.

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MTHFR? This Course is For You

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