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Please post ALL your questions about MTHFR and methylation below using the Comment feature.


Guide to Making a Useful Question:

  1. Keep the question general.
  2. No personal questions.

Example good questions:

  • What does MTHFR stand for?
  • What is methylation?
  • How come folic acid is not recommended for those with MTHFR?
  • Which form of vitamin B12 is best? Why?
  • How much methylfolate should be taken by a pregnant woman?
  • Why does methylfolate make some people anxious in small amounts?
  • Why do doctors use folic acid?
  • What drugs are bad for MTHFR?
  • Which anesthesia is recommended for those with MTHFR?
  • Why do you recommend vitamin B12 with methylfolate?

Example bad questions:

  •  I took methylfolate last night. It made me itch. Why?
  • My doctor gave me Deplin and I felt great for 3 weeks and then terrible. Why?
  • Should I test my daughter for MTHFR?
  • Anything with ‘I’ or ‘me’ in it

Thank you for supplying all your questions below and I appreciate you following the useful question format!

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10 years ago

Is it safe to begin taking folate in vitamins (have MTHFR mutation) while nursing?
Would a detoxifying affect be safe?

10 years ago


My grandmother and mother died at ages 39 and 54, possibly due to MTHFR. My Uncle was diagnosed with it after he passed a complete physical, then shortly after had a major heart attack. He took his folate as directed and died at 57.
Interestingly, my Uncle, mother and grandFAther all had brain tumors. I’m not sure if there are any correlations between MTHFR and tumors. (Especially when the MTHFR probably came from the Ashkenazi side, not Grandfather’s. They seem to have more health issues and die younger.)
One cousin is homozygous, while I have C677T only. Nobody else will get tested, they believe if there are no symptoms, there is no problem.
I’m fairly in agreement “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” We may not have the same fate as our parents.
However, we seem to be predisposed for specific health issues and premature death.
The debate we’re having is: why would one get tested or take medicine if it doesn’t appear needed?
Doctor says 50% of the population has the MTHFR mutation and 30% of them don’t need to treat it.
So, are we treating symptoms or mutations?
I would think you treat the cause to eliminate the effect.

10 years ago

Is Leucovorin Calcium ever recommended for those with MTHFR defects and if so, why?

Ashley Sutton
10 years ago

Is general anesthesia safe for ages two and under with homozygous C677t? Does it increase learning disability and autism risk? Is a local anesthesia a better choice?

7 years ago
Reply to  Ashley Sutton

I make sure the anesthesiologist knows about my Homozygous MTHFR C677T mutation and they give me a straight Propofol NEVER a mixed anesthesia. I am fine, have had two surgeries since finding out. NO nitrous oxide ever! Whenever possible I have a local, as in dental work.

10 years ago

Which form of vitamin B12 is best? Why? Where can I go to get more information? (What are your sources? ) Thank you. k

10 years ago

I am hetero for C677T and have a bad reaction to b vitamins and unable to take them. My doctor doesn’t know much about mthfr but prescribed natural food vitamins (either Standard Process or Garden of Life Kind Organics to get the folate and b vitamins I need. Am I correct in the fact that the C677T makes it important to get the folate to the brain and will this work as the methylated and regular do not? How much does one need? Thank you!

Beryl Moors
10 years ago

I am trying to heal leaky gut. If I have MTHFR defect, can I still take the supplement L-Glutamine?

7 years ago
Reply to  Beryl Moors

I take L Glutamine and L-Lysine and I am Homozygous for MTHFR C677T. I found out I am deficient and it has helped me. I have had no ill effects.

barbara smith
10 years ago

No you cannot take L-Glutamine with a positive MTHFR. It is an excitotoxin and will not serve you well at all.

Barbara Martin
6 years ago
Reply to  Dr. Ben Lynch

For Hashimoto’s, I am taking L-Glutamine..With My brain injuries on top of this I added L Tyrosine as well..The physical body has responded awesomely and I finally have muscle..Brain wise as well..Of course with diet and I am healing things with other supplements as well..I truly believe the Hashimoto’s was with me through my childhood..Everything has unfolded and seeing progress bowls me over..

10 years ago

Help please! I am pretty desperate here. I react badly to b vitamins methylated or regular. They make me feel irritable and crazy. I tried whole food vitamins and they aren’t any better. Can anyone tell me what to take? Single mthfr and my son who is double reacts terribly also.

Barbara Smith RN CCM
10 years ago

I guess it depends on who you ask. Dr. Nancy Mullan and Dr. Amy Yasko state that those with MTHFR cannot take L-glutamine because it’s an excitotoxin. Apparently there are differing opinions on this topic.

Trisha Loomis
10 years ago

My friend has the mthfr mutation C677T and she has been told her not to eat foods high in Vitamin K like kale due to blood clots. Is this a correct? He also had her on high doses of folic acid. I told her to stop that and start taking folate.

Mary Beth
6 years ago
Reply to  Trisha Loomis

I was eating alot of Kale and am on B12 with Methylfolate. My platelet level went way above normal. I cut down on the Kale and the D3 with K2 and the platelets went down again. Not sure if that is what happened to your friend.

10 years ago

In one of your articles you mentioned to take Vitamin C at least 30 minutes away from Folate. What about extended release / time release Vitamin C (1000mg)? Would that hurt Folate more because it’s being absorbed throughout the day, or is it safer because it’s not a large amount at one time?

10 years ago

Hi Dr. Lynch,

I just got my labs back for B12 and it was out of range on the high end. I am not taking that much. I am taking your B complex from seeking health. I think I read somewhere that it could be an absorption problem? I am homo for MTHFR and working so hard to where I can tolerate more folate. I suspect that I have some chronic infections but since I am so sensitive I am afraid to do any chelation. Which is probably something I should ask in a second email- sorry.

Vitamin B12 range/ 211 – 911 pg/mL my result/ 1115

10 years ago

Overmethylation and undermethylation seem to have overlapping symptoms. How is it confirmed which is taking place?

Gwen Schneider
10 years ago

What do you think about the new transdermal methylation creams?

10 years ago

I keep reading that there are potential drug toxicities with the MTHFR. I see articles on antacids, methotrexate, nitrous oxide, and anti-epiletics. I know I have seen other information, especially with regards to antibiotics but not sure where. I had severe life altering reactions to Cipro. I am homozygous C667T.

It seems like Macrobid shouldn’t be given to people with low vitamin B??? And that sulpha drugs won’t be processed well??? I believe I read anethesia might be harder for some. Is there a list of medications to avoid and suggested safer meds? This would be extremely helpful as I suffered from UTIs in the past and terrified of taking medications after my last incident. I would like this info for myself and also my cousin’s children suffering form the same thing.

7 years ago
Reply to  Stephanie

I have had a very bad reaction with hospitalization due to macrobid for a bladder infection. I am homozygous for MTHFR C677T also. I have taken cipro many times with no adverse effects but I am going to avoid that one. Thank you for sharing. Macrobid almost killed me! I was never so sick in my life.

Viola Newman
10 years ago

I’m interested in the answer to your question. My son is homozygous C667T also.

He cannot take any kind of antibiotic at all without an allergic reaction. So far, my cure for this has been to keep him away from the doctor! When he is sick, I use herbs and foods for antiviral and antibacterial properties like. But it scares me if he should ever be hurt or have a really bad infection and in the hospital. He had many antibiotics as a young child and reacted badly to each one within a day or two of starting them.

He is almost 12 and hasn’t had an antibiotic since he was 6.


9 years ago

i have lyme disease and biploar. my physc doc just hapened to to this test call mthfr. what does this mean. he wants to put me on deplin. i wrote in my lyme group and some people told me not to take it. would the deplin help me? what kind of doc should i be working with for the mthfr gene?

9 years ago

I need to know if Folinic acid is bad for me to take. I am taking Leucovorin Calcium 10mg. Is it helping me or hurting me? Is Folinic acid, another word for Folic acid? All I have read about my folate defiency is to not take folic acid. I am on a low income and I can’t afford expensive folate supplements. Which brand do you recommend that is affordable(no more than $15.00) and what is the recommended mg.or mcg. that I need. I was diagnosed more than a month ago and I am still not feeling better. Please help me as soon as possible. I need to be able to function again. Thank you very much!

Aron Choi
9 years ago
Reply to  Diane

Diane, it depends why you were prescribed Leucovorin by your doctor. It’s often prescribed to address the side-effects of anti-folate antagonists, like methotrexate. If you are experiencing symptoms, you may want to discuss with your doctor.

Folinic acid is NOT the same as folic acid. Folic acid is a man-made form of folate and not easily converted into the form your body needs. Folinic acid is a naturally occurring form of folate in food, especially leafy greens.

Dr. Lynch has an extensive explanation here with some action steps at the end of the article:

9 years ago

Are there any Multi Vitamins that are helpful for people with MTHFR Mutation?

9 years ago
Reply to  DD Davis

Hi DD – Yes! There are many things you can do if you have an MTHFR mutation. Some don’t even involve buying any supplements. Take a look at Dr. Ben’s very thorough Starting Protocol here:

Samantha Gove
9 years ago

Which anesthesia is recommended for those with MTHFR? I have two 1298C mutations.

Dr. Aron
9 years ago
Reply to  Samantha Gove

Samantha – Not sure if there is one recommended specifically for MTHFR, but here’s one that you should avoid:

barbara s mith
9 years ago

I have to have surgery and wonder what general anaesthesia is safest or acceptable for MTHFR positive people

Dr. Aron
9 years ago
Reply to  barbara s mith

Barbara – I can’t speak specifically to general anesthesia recommendations. However, there is a significant issue with nitrous oxide for general anesthesia and methylation dysfunction. You can read Dr. Ben’s recommendations on how to avoid using nitrous and what to do if you absolutely cannot avoid nitrous oxide.

9 years ago

I also have a surgery coming up (general anesthesia), and will have to have another within a month of that one to remove a cancerous breast lump (beginning my journey). Aside from nitrous oxide, I’d really like to know what anesthesia meds are recommended and/or contraindicated. I have many polymorphisms. Compound hetero for the two mthfrs, homozygous for: mtrr, comt, maob, gstp1, nos2, sod, and so many more. Please advise. Surgery just 2 weeks away. I’m taking (2 months now) intramuscular folinic, hydroxylcobalamin, and glutathione; and I’m still not noticing any improvement. I started slowly, and have also tried greatly increasing doses, and still nothing. Health has declined to such an extent, I’m not sure if I expect to awaken from surgery, and I’m a 40 year old single mom of two teens!

Dr. Aron
9 years ago
Reply to  Ginger

Hi Ginger – Declining health is definitely not an easy thing to deal with. Do you have a doctor you can trust to help you in this area? If not, please search the physician directory find a doctor who has completed training with Dr. Ben here. A great book on the subject of integrative approaches to cancer is “The Definitive Guide to Cancer.” This article on MTHFR and breast cancer might also give you some discussion points to discuss with your doctor. I hope this helps you start moving in the right direction. Please keep us updated on how you are doing.

9 years ago

Hi Dr L

Are there any anesthesia drugs that shouldn’t be used in pediatric procedures, for children with mthfr mutations? If Carboncaine with epiephrine, Midazolam, and Sevoflurane were the planned drugs to be used in a 3 year child who is homozygous mthfr a1298c, are there better alternative drugs which could be used? I am aware that nitrous shouldn’t be used. Thank you!

Terri Swearingen
9 years ago

Does L-glutamine interfere with the methylation cycle? What about NAC? What about sublingual liposomal glutathione?

8 years ago

Oftentimes, more holisticly minded doctors prescribe high dose niacin for cholesterol management. Is this harmful to people with mthfr variants or associated snps? Does it make any difference if it is a “non-flush” variety of niacin?

8 years ago

how much alpha lipoic acid should be used with a homozygous positive for COMT on the genetic testing?

Dr Hart

8 years ago

Is IV SEDATION safe for a 2 year old that has compound heterozygous MTHFR gene mutation? What anesthesia is recommended?

8 years ago

Pregnant with MTHFR deficiency. Recommended by CNM/ARNP to take 4 mg/day of methylfolate. Heard many good things about active B-12 & L-5-mthf sublingual lozenges from Seeking Health. Could 4 lozenges/day result in too much B-12? In your opinion, is 4 mg of methylfolate/day ill advised?

8 years ago

My daughter is compound heterozybus for one copy of 677T and one copy of A1298C. She has been chronically ill for almost 7 years until we found out this was causing a lot of her problems. We are currently looking for a functional doctor in the Austin area. She is highly sensitive to gluten, soy among a lot of other foods. We’re having a hard time finding her vitamins that are totally free of soy. The vitamin E in certain brands makes her sick because of that. Any recommendations would be appreciated.

Sarah Woodruff
8 years ago

My son (9 yrs old) will be undergoing anesthesia for 2 1/2 hours of testing. He has autism and a mutation with his MTHFR gene. I also know he is a poor methlyator. I’m worried about the amount of anesthesia his body will be receiving. Can you please advise on how to best prepare his body, and also guide the doctor who will be putting him under. Thanks so very much.

8 years ago

What kind of supplementation should a person with the following SNP mutations take?

+/+ for VDR Bsm, MAO-A R297R, MTRR A55G, and BHMT-08.

+/- for COMT V158M, COMT H62H, MTHFR A1298C, BHMT-02, AHCY-01, AHCY-19, CBS C699T, CBS A360A.

All of the others are negative except for those with no call: MTRR H595Y and R415T, BHMT-04, AHCY-02, CBS N212N, and SHMT1 C1420T.

Still not 100% on Methylfolate, B6, Curcumin / Black Pepper, B12, and occasional Niacin / Tylenol.

Thank you so much. You are an invaluable resource.

7 years ago

I’m heterozygous for both alleles and have been following the protocol for about 9 months. I have a few questions:
1. I’ve noticed profound “shedding”/hair loss daily – is there something else I should be taking to combat this?,
2. My fatigue has not improved (and is severe)…I even went to an endocrinologist who took one look at me and said, “You don’t have a thyroid condition” (normal TSH)…anything else I can do?!?
3. I cannot lose weight despite regular exercise and improving my diet…

When I first discovered MTHFR, I thought I found the answer to so many questions/concerns that I had, but…I still just don’t feel “healthy” like I should.

Mallory C
7 years ago

I’m 31yr female homozygous c677t. Started taking Deplin 6 months ago. My right eyebrow hairs have drastically started turning white, nearly 1/3 covered. I suspect B-12 is involved but I’m having trouble understanding the processes. Anyone else have this problem?

5 years ago
Reply to  Mallory C

My eyebrows changed black after taking ferrous sulfate for anemia. I’m Heterozygous C677T.

7 years ago

Hi there,

What (if any) is the relationship between MTHFR and eosinophilia?

7 years ago

Is it okay to take Biotin if you are homozygous C677T? I am on MetaNX

Lee A
7 years ago

which anesthesia is safe for 6 month old needing ear tubes?

1 year ago
Reply to  Lee A

General anesthesia is safe, but please tell the anesthesia providers that nitrous cannot be used under any circumstance. Nitrous is routinely used for kids, especially those getting ear tubes since it’s so quick. I’m an anesthesia provider who also has MTHFR.

7 years ago

Is the mthfr mutation a possible cause of mullerian anomalies?

Viola Newman
7 years ago

I think this site sucks. There are many question being asked that I would like to know the answers to, but I have no idea where to find them. How is this useful to anyone besides yourself? Do I have to go search up and buy every book you have or webinars you do? We’re all helping you by giving you the questions we would like to see answered but you give us no way to find them.

Beryl Moors
7 years ago

I totally agree. it’s really just a chat site where people who are looking for answers all muddle around together and never get any input from the experts.

5 years ago
Reply to  Beryl Moors

I disagree. I find many helpful threads to research from others posts. Dr.Lynch is graciously helping us find our way. He is not a full time moderator.

6 years ago

Hello. I recently contacted a vitamin/mineral supplement manufacture as to whether their products contain folic acid letting them know that people with an MTHFR defect, like myself, cannot properly(or fully) process folic acid. Their reply seems to reduce or dismiss any concerns about MTHFR and folic acid due to a particular process they follow. Here is their reply:

“Our vitamins contains folic acid in our ‘organically grown nutrient’ food-matrix form. Through our unique fermentation process, our folic acid isolate is bio-transformed into a food-like form bound to amino acids, carbohydrates, and other cofactors found in whole veggies & fruits. There may be a small amount of naturally occurring MTHF present, but it is likely quite minimal. If you are specifically seeking an isolated methylated form, like 5-MTHF or folinic acid, we recommend you take a specific product containing this form.”

Do you know whether or not this fermentation process can actually transform folic acid such that it is no longer a problem for people with MTHFR defects?

Thank you,

6 years ago

Hi, is it okay to use essential oils in a diffuser or to put them on my skin diluted or in an Epsom salts bath when you have MTHFR? I know the oils are healing and natural, but they have chemical components and I don’t know if they would tax my system.

6 years ago

What are that main genes that impact weight? In particular, what genes would you suspect to be dirty in someone who struggles to lose weight and keep it off.

6 years ago

I have the snp 1298 Homozygous. I am having cataract surgery tomorrow.
I had a bad experience with a similar eye surgery in that the twilight anesthesia
that I was given did not work as it should have and I remember holding on to the rails of my bed for my life during the terrifying painful surgery and felt the block go into my head like an ice pic. 🙁
I’m afraid to tell the surgeon tomorrow to make sure to give me more anesthesia though because I also get very sick after all my surgeries and vomit and dry heave for hours and hours. I’ve been released more than once with bags to go for vomit.
So my question is there anything I can due to help myself before or after my surgery?
I have some of your supplements. Also do you know if my snp has anything to do with way the anesthesia wasn’t effective as well or if it the reason I get so sick. A response would be greatly appreciated. Thank-you,

6 years ago

Thats because all research relating to mthfr is “ongoing” and i wouldnt be surprised to learn this site is participating in collection of data to be used for further studies. The Physicians on this site have to be careful with their feedback due to legal reasons. I to carry this mutation and find a low dose of methyl b12 and metafolin to be helpful but nothing fully resolves my issues.

6 years ago

Could you please give general advise for people with MTHFR who have to undergo surgery? I had surgery 8 months ago and still don’t feel well; another surgery is scheduled in six weeks. Are there anesthesias to avoid? Are there good ways to detox afterward?

Many, Many Thanks!

1 year ago
Reply to  Deborah

I’m an anesthesia provider, and I also have MTHFR. There are absolutely medications that can and should be avoided. Nitrous should be avoided at all costs for starters! Other things to tell your anesthesia providers to avoid are antacids, Benadryl, corticosteroids, and NSAIDS. Some things will be necessary regardless such as antibiotics, but the others can at least be minimized.

6 years ago

Does MTHFR affect all b Vitamins if we have tested positive for it?

6 years ago

Hi Dr lynch,
i’ve been suffering crazy anxiety as long as i know myself. I’ve tried many alternative healing methods & therapy. i tried cleansing & following your diet guidelines for mthfr. i have 1 copy if c6772t. although i never take medication and eat very healthy, im at the point of considering to take Zoloft cuz i have no life for myself. i believe so much stress is also not healthy. please, i would love to hear your advice on this. i know at your first instinct you will say, stay away from medication, but please consider ive tried the world! im so desperate for help. also, i read in your book about supplements, but i have no idea where & with what to start taking to feel better? can you guide me with the right supplements, or what i should start with?
please help me, i am so lost & alone!

5 years ago

Why can’t you just take MTHFR (the enzyme) for MTHFR mutations?

5 years ago

vegetables contain synthetic or methylated folate?

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MTHFR? This Course is For You

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